We live in a world dominated by technology, in which thousands of websites are created every day around the globe, and where the virtual world expands at an impressive speed. However, all data in the virtual world needs to be stored somewhere, and when we are creators of a website we always ask ourselves, what is the best hosting solution for us? Below mentioned are few of the options that you can choose as per your needs and requirements.
Shared hosting
Sharing a server is one of the most common practices in the virtual world, especially when it comes to web platforms of starters, small companies or personal brands.
In shared hosting, the data and platforms of many sites are placed on the same server, which usually has an excellent offer in terms of cost-benefit, since your domain is secure, but also the amount of money you invest is not excessive.
Companies that offer these services usually have excellent security systems, with firewalls and protection programs on the same server, so that none of the users can access another’s account. Another advantage is that, generally, hosting on these baremetal dedicated servers are very simple to configure, which allows non-experts in a programming language to establish your site.
Dedicated hosting
In this case, a single server is used to host the data and platforms of a single user. This type of service usually goes hand in hand with a significant monetary cost, however, it guarantees optimal performance, with an ideal processing power if your website needs immediate loading and response periods, or if you have different sites.
With cheap dedicated hosting, you can allow the design of codes that allow you to create sites to suit you, and add applications or programs, if you wish, as well as have multiple IP addresses.
VPS (Virtual Private Server)
This type of accommodation is a bit complex to understand. It is a private virtual server (VPS), which stores data in the virtual world, but shares its resources with one or several physical machines. This allows you to make use of different processors and much wider storage space. These resources are made available to you at the time you request it, up to a point because it is also a service shared with other users, and the costs are generally accessible, although its programming language is usually quite complex.